2024-09-20 00:00:00
We are delighted to announce that the Opening Ceremony held on September 2 was a resounding success. Our new Form 1 Josephians received a warm welcome, highlighted by inspiring speeches from our esteemed Principal, Mr T. M. Kwok, and several distinguished Josephians.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to the ECAC, 1st HKG Scout Troop, 1st HKG Air Scout Troop, Hong Kong Red Cross Youth Unit 17, St. Joseph’s Ambulance Cadet Division, our MCs, honored guests, teachers, and all the volunteers who played pivotal roles in orchestrating this memorable event.
Furthermore, it was an honor to listen to some of our remarkable Josephians, who shared their experiences and insights. Lee Hok Lam (6F) and Cheung Wai To Torres (6F) eloquently described the dynamic and enriching life at SJC, while Liu Chun Cheung Ander, the 2024 HKDSE top scorer, spoke thoughtfully about the importance of camaraderie and brotherhood throughout his academic journey.
These speeches have undoubtedly given our Form 1 newcomers a glimpse of the vibrant and fulfilling school life that awaits them at SJC, setting the stage for them to explore their talents and achieve their full potential. We look forward to a fantastic school year ahead for all our Form 1 students at SJC!